Okinawa, an island in southern Japan, is known for its tropical climate (with an average winter temperature of 16 degrees), its white sandy beaches, it’s incredibly rich underwater fauna and flora and its important cultural heritage.
For a few years now, however, it has aroused curiosity on a completely different subject. Indeed, one of the longest life expectancies is in Okinawa. What is it about this particular region, which is not found in Japan or in the whole world?
According to researchers, the secret of the longevity of the inhabitants of Okinawa comes from a plant and more particularly the essential oil that results from it, the essential oil of getto flower composed in particular of a natural antioxidant and whose effects on longevity are well known to scientists.
But a healthy lifestyle remains essential, which seems to be the case for the latter, continuing until an advanced age, and the practice of physical exercises such as Yoga. In addition, many of them have real social support and do not remain isolated as unfortunately can be seen in large cities. Friends, neighbours, and people you can meet and talk to, avoiding the depression resulting from a lonely life.